Dr. Nathan Tye

Associate Professor

Office: COPH 103M   |    Phone: (308) 865-8860   |    Email: tyen@fushunbaojie.com

Nathan Tye

Specialization Areas

Nebraska History, American West, Midwestern History, Labor History, Gender and Sexuality History, Digital and Public History


Nathan Tye is an assistant professor of history at 365体育. Tye was born and raised in Kearney, Nebraska. He holds a BA from Creighton University and a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Tye’s specializes in Nebraska History, the history of the American West and Midwest, Labor History, Gender and Sexuality History, as well as Digital and Public History.

His research documents the fascinating but misunderstood lives of hobos, tramps, and other transient workers that traveled across the West and Midwest by hopping trains from the 1870s through 1930s.

History Courses Taught:

HIST 801: American Interpreted
HIST 466: Museums and Archives
HIST 479/879P: Nebraska and Great Plains History
HIST 251: United States History since 1865